Camp 2024 Ticino
Kiwanis International District Switzerland – Liechtenstein is organizing a Kiwanis Youth Camp from 28 July to 3 August 2024 for young people between the ages of 16 and 21 from various countries. Young people from Europe will spend a week together in the canton of Ticino, Switzerland. They will communicate in English, do sports, get an impression of the culture, history and economy of the canton Ticino, carry out a social action and train leadership. Friendships are also formed beyond one’s own country’s borders.
Camp Fee Euro 200
A project team consisting of members of various KCs from six divisions of the district develops the detailed program with great enthusiasm and joy. The project is actively supported by the Governor Roland Franzi, the Governor-Elect Anita Turel and the Vice-Governor Wolfgang Brunner.
Meet the variety of landscapes of Ticino
Source: IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige